Yoga is an age-old practice of body and mind. Its roots are in pre-historic India but Yoga evolves with us- an ancient technique for meeting the challenges of modern life.
Yoga practice achieves bodily flexibility and strength, it also improves fitness and physique, but its true benefits are to the spirit and the mind.
Yoga brings us back to centre. It is a self-discovery journey, both mentally and physically, finding connection with the universe while letting go of the distractions and stresses of modern life.
“The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”, describes Yoga as “Chitta Vritti Nirodha”, this translates to “Yoga is to control the fluctuations of thoughts”.
It offers the 8 limbs as a guide to achieving profound freedom and inner peace via yoga practice:
· Yamas: Self-Considerations (Non-violence, Truthfulness, Non-stealing, Moderation, Non-possessiveness).
· Niyamas: Self-Observations (Cleanliness, Fiery-cleansing, Contentment, Self-study, Devotion to the Universal).
· Asana: Physical Postures
· Pranayama: Breath Control
· Pratyahara: Sense withdrawal
· Dharana: Concentration
· Dyana: Meditation
· Samadhi: Enlightenment
It is a practice of discipline, commitment and faith in the universe. It has become a profound part of my life and I am pleased to be able to share what I have learned.