
Private classes

Too busy to attend a yoga class? Enjoy the privilege of a 1 to 1 teaching in the comfort of your own home or preferred location at your choice of time.

Tailored classes designed to your own needs and goals. If you are working with an injury or if your aim is to master specific postures, this is the class for you.


Office classes

Working long hours at a desk, long commutes, bad eating habits and incorrect postures are often the cause of many physical and mental problems.

Yoga at your workplace can be a refreshing way to change the day, enhancing concentration, motivation and creativity.

I can bring Yoga into your office before the working day starts, at lunchtime or after work..


Group classes

It is a great way to get you and your friends settled into a regular yoga practice.

If you have the space, it can also be the cheapest way to get started.

Working continuously with the same group means you can develop your confidence and sense of community, improve your physical postures and switch off from the distractions of having new people around you every class, enabling you to focus on your breathing and place within.